1st Year Studio Gallery
1st-year students focused on basic principles of industrial design and 2D/3D visual communication skills, understanding the fundamental design process and work iteratively in developing designs, and developing the ability to visually communicate ideas three-dimensionally, two-dimensionally through drawings, diagramming, and other effective presentation techniques.
TRIFOLD is a briefcase stool designed specifically for kids from (3-10) yrs. The concept of the design is to create a stool that can be friendly and support kids’ environments; it can be used for multiple functions while it is open such as a chair, drawing table, stool. It also contains a pocket to store drawing tools. TRIFOLD is light enough for kids to carry it like a briefcase and move it around. Its size is 14” x 10” x 4”.
OCTA is a shoulder piece to exaggerate the upper body for a broad-shouldered silhouette. Constructed from Dixie cups and staples. The inspiration comes from the shifting gender roles, as women began entering the workforce during World War II. Enhancing the shoulders is a play on authority and a reminder of gender inequity. Made for powerful women not to blend in but to stand out.