Customization Options: Customers can choose between standard or powder baskets, slim or ergonomic grips, and hundreds of color combinations to pick out exactly what they want to match their ski style and kit.
A novel way of attaching all the components that requires no epoxy. Each piece can be easily taken off and updated without replacing the whole set of poles.
In a survey of 264 people, 76% had broken or damaged a ski pole and 44% threw the unbroken pole in the trash. A modular design for the system means that parts can be replaced, keeping the product from the landfill while the customer saves money by purchasing replacement parts instead of a new set.
The company system design makes every step of managing the pole’s life easy for the customer. They can build a new set, order new components, or shop from the used/refurbished site. The company will also offer incentives to the customer for returning old or broken components, ensuring the value of the materials is being realized for as long as possible.
Having a world in which skiing is possible relies heavily upon the way we take care of our planet. It is a simple fact that if temperatures rise, a sport based entirely on snow conditions cannot be sustained, yet very few winter sports products are designed for the circular economy. It is hypocritical, then, that most of the products designed for this sport are in fact, taking the sport away. These products (and companies that make them) will only survive as long as there is an environment in which to use them. If the sport of skiing is in jeopardy, then businesses that capitalize from the commercialization of the sport must be proactive in helping to ensure its longevity. This thesis, utilizing a case study of ski poles, attempts to right some of the wrongs produced by this industry.
— Catherine Cunningham
Catherine Cunningham
With a background in engineering and a future in design, I aspire to explore the relationship between art and science through my designs. My master’s thesis focuses on designing a product for the circular economy with an emphasis on sustainability through all phases of the product life cycle.