1st Year Studio Gallery

1st year students focused on the fundamental principles of design and design communication with an emphasis on design process, simple functionality, and aesthetic quality. Technique training centered around sketching, modeling, and basic research methods. Three projects are shown: 1. a simple set of products 2. a lighting fixture design inspired by a short clip of music and 3. a response to COVID-19, in consideration of the impact of social distancing and stay-home order. 

Living in a smaller space, or even a space with other people, creates frustrations that inhibit the learning process of students. Learning is made efficient through Portu’s simple form and functions. It is a portable desk that helps maintain clutter…

Living in a smaller space, or even a space with other people, creates frustrations that inhibit the learning process of students. Learning is made efficient through Portu’s simple form and functions. It is a portable desk that helps maintain clutter and easily adapts to various environments.

Akansksha BhatiaPortu

Akansksha Bhatia


Shining rhythmically along any wall, SWELL’s white base and translucent acrylic panels with its energetic waves is at once both modern and timeless. It will bring a swinging energy as it displaces darkness, and being lit by a 24-volt multi-diode LED…

Shining rhythmically along any wall, SWELL’s white base and translucent acrylic panels with its energetic waves is at once both modern and timeless. It will bring a swinging energy as it displaces darkness, and being lit by a 24-volt multi-diode LED strip, you will never need to change a bulb.

Samuel CharbulaSwell

Samuel Charbula


Hookd is a portable handle that will keep you from making contact with certain surfaces. The spring loaded button flips out the hook and locks it into place. The compact design can hold onto handrails using public transportation and open or close do…

Hookd is a portable handle that will keep you from making contact with certain surfaces. The spring loaded button flips out the hook and locks it into place. The compact design can hold onto handrails using public transportation and open or close doors.

Haleigh EseneHookd

Haleigh Esene


Inspired by the flow of water on flower petals, Pyrus is a wooden cutting board that affords the qualities of a colander. With a smooth surface for cutting and a removable strainer for a clean rinse, it makes preparation in any kitchen an ease.

Inspired by the flow of water on flower petals, Pyrus is a wooden cutting board that affords the qualities of a colander. With a smooth surface for cutting and a removable strainer for a clean rinse, it makes preparation in any kitchen an ease.

Aidan FincherPyrus

Aidan Fincher


Introducing Sonorous, inspired by Joe Hishashi’s “The Sixth Station” from the 2001 film, ​Spirited Away ​ . The orchestral piece takes a physical presence in the light fixture, manifesting its eerie themes into a dynamic and haunting form to mimic t…

Introducing Sonorous, inspired by Joe Hishashi’s “The Sixth Station” from the 2001 film, ​Spirited Away ​ . The orchestral piece takes a physical presence in the light fixture, manifesting its eerie themes into a dynamic and haunting form to mimic the echo of piano and strings.

Marina LattoSonorous

Marina Latto


Inspired by the natural organic forms found in leaves and contoured for comfort. Sprout is designed to create a comfortable and ergonomic set of adaptive eating utensils, tailored for those with dexterity issues such as arthritis to enhance the dini…

Inspired by the natural organic forms found in leaves and contoured
for comfort. Sprout is designed to create a comfortable and ergonomic set of
adaptive eating utensils, tailored for those with dexterity issues such as
arthritis to enhance the dining experience.

Estelle LeeSprout

Estelle Lee


Personalize any room with the distinct rhythmic touch of Flow. Inspiration drawn from the song “Couch Potato” by Jakubi, Flow embodies the lively and upbeat nature through the varying depths and curves that can be appreciated in all angles, up close…

Personalize any room with the distinct rhythmic touch of Flow. Inspiration drawn from the song “Couch Potato” by Jakubi, Flow embodies the lively and upbeat nature through the varying depths and curves that can be appreciated in all angles, up close, and from afar.

Michael NguyenFlow

Michael Nguyen


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Inspired by the life cycle of a flower and visually impaired people, Lief is a set of spice containers designed to facilitate the recognition of each one, by their simplified and organic shaped lids. Each lid has a unique form representing a seed, sprout, closed petals stage, and opened flower.

Andreina PereiraLief

Andreina Pereira


Rejuvenate was created with the goal of protecting healthcare professionals in mind. Using ultraviolet light, Rejuvenate can quickly and effectively disinfect a medical mask in just two minutes, allowing it to be safely reused. Everyone can stay saf…

Rejuvenate was created with the goal of protecting healthcare professionals in mind. Using ultraviolet light, Rejuvenate can quickly and effectively disinfect a medical mask in just two minutes, allowing it to be safely reused. Everyone can stay safe; a clean mask is only a push of button away.

Sarah WongRejUVenate

Sarah Wong



2nd Year Studio Gallery